Monday, December 14, 2009

Illuminati in music- Conspirancy or Coincedence

Im sure you heard the myth about musicians selling there souls to the devil in returns to being famous or successful well ILLUMINATI is what they are referring to.
The word has Illuminati has been related to the whole world;in every which way possible. One of the most common and popular believed proofs of illuminati is music. Many artist are believed to be part of ILLUMINATI from Jay Z to Brittany Spears. Here at A.C we dont know what to make of it honestly but we felt that you our loyal readers should be informed.

Elite masters of deception who want to control your mind, soul, and your body, and rule the entire world.

Illuminati - individuals who are part of a secretive, historical organization that is comprised of mostly influential members with political and/or financial clout. In general, members of the Illuminati practice a religion that appears to be a mixture of Egyptian and Greco-Roman pagan worship combined with Luciferianism.

Here are a few videos that explain Illuminati in music.

Hope this either open your mind to illuminati or just made you laugh at the whole conspiracy theory. Here at A.C. we don not agree nor dis agree with the whole illuminati theory.
Who are we to say whats real or not.
Be sure to be on the look out for our new site coming in summer 2010.
We're on Facebook too.
Thanks for reading come again lol

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Why Girls Like Guys & Vice Versa

Well here are a few reasons that girls like guys
1. The way they always wear their favorite cologne (which happens to be the
one that you bought them for their birthday)
2. The way the run their hands through out hair
3. The way that they look at you and you want to die right then and there
4. The way that they casually put their arms around you
5. The way that they kiss away your tears
6. …and the way that they then get mad at how they can’t make your problem go
7. The way they show off around their friends, even though you both know that
you would love them even if they missed a basket or two
8. How there eyes light up at the result of 3 hours of preparing for your date
9. How they always know just what to say to make you blush
10. How they sometimes think that they know just what to say to make you feel
better, even if you think that it is the worst thing that they could say
11. The way they hold you close when you are cold
12. How they look at you when your mad at them and all your anger melts away
13. How they always smile when you are together
14. The way that they always let you win any game that you play together
15. … and then when you point that out to them they pretend to not know what
you are talking about
16. The way that they smile at you
17. The way that you feel when they call to apologize after you had a big fight
18. The way that they say I love you
19. The way that they say I love you in front of their friends
20. The way that they touch and hold you so gently, like they are afraid that they
will break you
21. The way that they kiss you
22. The way that they open their arms to you when you are crying
23. The way that they never admit that you hurt them
24. The way that they try not to cry when they are afraid that they are losing you
25. The way that they think that they are your big protector, even though you
think that you are theirs
26. The way that they say I miss you, even though they hate to admit it
27. The way that you miss everything about them when they are gone
28. The way that they remember your special moments, or aniversaries when
you think that they forgot
29. The way that they apologize when they do forget
30. The way that they comfort you when you have a bad day
31. The way that you can’t wait to get home and tell them all about your day
32. The way that they write you love letters even if they think that it is uncool
33. How they would rather be with you then their friends sometime
34. How you want to hug them even though they are all sweaty
35. Yet regardless if you love them, hate them, wish they would die or know that
you would die without them… it matters not. Because once in your life, whatever
they were to the world they become everything to you. When you look them in
the eyes, traveling to the depths of their souls and you say a million things
without a trace of sound, you know that your own life is inevitabley comsumed
within the rhythimic beatings of his heart. We love them for a million reasons,
No paper would do it justice. It is a thing a feeling, that is only felt.

WELL here’s a few reasons why guys like girls

girl boy Pictures, Images and Photos

1. They will always smell good even if its just shampoo
2. The way their heads always find the right spot on our shoulder
3. How cute they look when they sleep
4. the ease in which they fit into our arms
5. the way they kiss you and all of a sudden everything is right in the world
6. How cute they are when they eat
7. The way they take hours to get dressed but in the end it makes it all worth
8. because they are always warm even when its minus 30 out side
9. the way they look good no matter what they wear
10. the way they fish for compliments even though you both know that you
think she’s the most beautiful thing on this earth
11. How cute they are when they argue
12. the way her hand always finds yours
13. the way they smile
14. the way you feel when you see their name on the call ID after you just had a
big fight
15. the way she says “lets not fight anymore” even though you know that an
hour later….
16. the way they kiss when you do something nice for them
17. The way they kiss you when you say “I love you’
18. actually… just the way they kiss you…
19. the way they fall into your arms when they cry
20. then the way they apologize for crying over something that silly
21. The way they hit you and expect it to hurt
22. then the way apologize when it does hurt ..(even though we don’t admit it!)
23. the way they say “I miss you”
24. the way you miss them
25. the way their tears make you want to change the world so that it doesn’t hurt
her anymore…..Yet regardless if you love them, hate them, wish they would die
or know that you would die without them… it matters not. Because once in your
life, whatever they were to the world they become everything to you. When you
look them in the eyes, traveling to the depths of their souls and you say a million
things without trace of a sound, you know that your own life is inevitable
consumed within the rhythmic beatings of her very heart. We love them for a
million reasons, No paper would do it justice. It is a thing not of the mind but of
the heart. A feeling. Only felt.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Dear Chicago -You always make me smile

Hello readers i know AC been MIA lately. (we had a hot date lol)
Any way sence the founder and Ceo (KJ) is from Chicago we decided to do i Photographic article to the Windy City BKA CHICAGO.En joy and dont forget to comment and follow us @artisticcomp and visit Enjoy.






Those rascals at Google are constantly dealing with the unintended consequences of their controversial but really cool Google Maps/Street Scenes.

When you zoom to “street view” in one part of Chicago, what comes up is interesting to say the least. It looks like the Google team accidentally captured a shooting in progress.

The image shows a kid aiming a pistol at another kid (a much smaller kid) as he’s running away.







Friday, December 4, 2009

Gucci & Jeezy Beef Over

Artistic Compilation Is Proud and Happy to report to you that Gucci mane and Young Jeezy Have ended their 5 Year beef. Young was on a role in the feild of conflict resolution as he also ended his beef with DJ Drama. There is already fans everywhere hoping to hear Gucci and Jeezy Work together. I myself never saw this coming Since recently Jeezy went after gucci and juice man In the Song Kobe-Lebron. But I think that Unity of artist in Hip Hop & Rap is a beautiful thing and cant wait to see what comes of this.Here is the audio of the phone call that ended the beef.

Be sure to check back Daily for the article of the day
And dont forget to

Thursday, December 3, 2009


I'm sure you've been any where from school, the mall, even church and seen a young teenage mother or about to be mother. In these days and times teen age pregnancy isn't rare or even shocking in the matter any more. Some people try to find an excuse for this somewhat of a phenomenon by blaming it on media and other peoples parenting skills. Me personally I do not have any children of my own but have quite a few friends who do or will be soon.

Today young people are having sex more than ever. Most people say that its bad parenting or the media. I say that isn't true because I know teenage parents who are straight A students and even Very religious ones. Face it every one now adays has sex before they graduate from H.S. With some individuals sex is part of their daily routine. Some have sex out of curiosity, some have sex because of love, and some have sex because of boredom. (these are facts ppl)

Who the hell are people to tell some one that they aren't going to be a good mother or a father. I hate when i hear some one down teenagers when they are just doing the same exact thing that grown ups are doing.

My Argument

(My argument for Teenage Parents)
Why would you tell a 16 yr old mother she isn't ready? HUH? Why not spend your time making sure that you help educate her on how tobe a mother since you are so smart? Oh and why tell them that there life is over? What is that all about? You must not have a life if you have time to tell someone their life is over. Plus a baby is the beginning of life so wouldn't that mean their life has just started a new chapter. And honestly why does the fact that they are TEEN AGED PARENTS any different from them being GROWN.I know a handful of teenage mothers and fathers that do a way better job at being a parent then their own or then Most grown parents.

(My argument for the Opinionated Public looking in)
Yes i do believe that having a child should wait until at least your twenties.
I believe teenage pregnancies mostly a result of irresponsible behavior.I believe if you don't have even at least a source of income better yet a strong relationship you shouldn't be having unprotected sex period. If some one tells a teenage parent that they aren't ready its most likely that that teenager has yet to show enough responsibility or maturity that would install faith into a person making the accusation.

In the end i believe that pregnancy in any age is a blessing and something to look forward to. There is always abortion (which is murder) and adoption.
I myself will like to say If you are a teenage parent or were a teenage parent i am proud of you for your sacrifices and heart not to kill your unborn.

And to the mothers you are so brave and selfish less, sacrificing your bodies and risking life to give birth to the next generation i thank you for being brave.

And to the Fathers ( who take care of theirs) You are a rareness in today's modern world. I respect you for being their regardless of your relationship with the mother. I believe that a child having a male role model helps in development but there is still things and a type of love that only a fathers presence can bring.

I end this with a couple videos for you to look at and don't forget to comment,follow, and visit daily.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009


Today's topic has most likely been around since the beginning of love;but lately there has been allot of talk about young marriages. You know the type of marriage where most would say "you guys are to young" or " you'll aren't ready". The definition of marriage is the state of being a married couple voluntarily joined for life (or until divorce) or a close and intimate union. Nowhere in that definition is there an Age requirement or age limit or is there an age restriction or range. Underage marriages are growing at ridiculous rate. I say half of underage marriages are based on love while the other fifty percent is based on the presence of a child. The ones who marry because of love are no different from the older people who get married for love.

The Same Differences

Under aged Couple: Gets married for the fact they are in love.
Suitable aged couple: Gets married for the fact they are in love.
(who would of thought)lol
Under aged couple: Gets married to save a relationship
Suitable aged couple: Gets married to save a relation ship.
(wow the reasons are so different)lol

Under aged couple: Marries to further their relationship.
Suitable aged couple: Marries to further their relationship.

So there you have it The SAME DIFFERENCE of the topic.

Sorry there is no differences except the age.

If you have any opinions or anything to say please comment.
Don't forget to follow.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Tyga VS. Wiz Khalifa

I consider both of these artist some what *slept on*. Both these artist have there own style of flow and lyrical construction. But at the same time the world has yet to show these two somewhat newcomers their respects.

The Contenders:Tyga & Wiz Khafila

Contender #1:
Name:Michael Stevenson aka Tyga,Tyga Tyga, Tyga Man
Age: 20 yrs old
Area: Compton,LA, CA
Label: Young Money/G.E.D

Name:Cameron Jibril Thomaz aka Wiz Khalifa
Age: 21 yrs old
Area: Pitsburgh
Label:Warner Bros/Taylor Gang


Tyga Man is up first

WIZ Khafila its your turn

Well Its safe to say that was toe to toe
Maybe there Debute singles will solve this

Round #3
Freestyles People freestyles lol

Well Ppl the winner is
Dun dun dun- Dramatic effect lol

This is the begining of the Versus Series
So follow this Blog and Leave a comment on who you think Is the winner of this round.
And dont forget to check out
Get your mixtape covers and flyers designed by the best there is.
Not to mention The cheapest there is and check the site daily for your next local celebrity in your town.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Men are Dogs = Females are Cats

After viewing a video posted on Facebook .com by Bizzie FlyBoi Robinson.I decided to make the A.C Topic of the day
We've all been at work/school or socializing and heard at least 7 out of 10 Females say men are dogs. But is this fair??? Women are contantly saying that all men are dogs. How would they know that ALL men are dogs??? Have you been with all men??? So how does the men that a woman deals with actions speak for every man??? My argument as a man is that all women who have chosen to say all men are dogs are the same ones who either do not know how to treat a man or they are the ones that end up getting to comfortable and slack in areas that keep a man interested. I admit that not all men are true to one woman. But ive seen even the biggest dogs and flirts of them all surcome to a woman that knows how to be a Queen. I believe that any man can be a good man if he has a good woman.... If a Man falls for a woman that he can not trust he tends to stray ( like a dog). Just as a woman will stray if her man is not able to provide the things she needs and even most of the time the things she wants( like a cat). There are so many vice versa's to this subject Lets just go through a few.

Man: Cheats because a woman lacks in certain areas
Woman: Cheats because a man lacks in certain areas

Ex: A man cheats if a woman lacks in the bedroom regardless if a woman is there for him and supportive. While, a woman cheats if a man is not supportive and there for her even if he is well performing in the bedroom.

Man: Cheat (openly)
Woman: Cheat (seceritvly)

Ex: A man cheats openly (he goes out publicly with a female). While a woman will stay to a certain area.

Man: A man will lie and say he is single
Woman: Honestly tells man she is in a relationship

Ex: A man will lie to the woman he cheats with making her think that he is availible even tho he is not. While, a woman will let a man no that she is in a relationship and what is wrong with her relationship...

So my Conclusion is that woman and men both cheat and have similar but different ways to do it... So i conclude todays article with a very good video.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Should Men Use Umberellas??????

Its raining cats and dogs and your in anything ranging from a $2000 Armani Business Suit to your favorite White tee. One Cost as much as a used car while the other cost as much as your tooth paste. So the question is should men use umbrellas. I as a both a business man and average African American male do use umbrellas. But even in today's society people ( men & women) actually think it is not OK for a man to use an umbrella. So my argument is why does it make me gay because i don't want to get drenched it rain which has been known to carry pollutants as it falls. I THINK NOT!!! Now on the other hand if i choose to use my little sisters Pink & Floral covered Dora The Explorer's umbrella then i should have my sexuality questioned by all means. But if It is raining during my day and i happen to not be in shelter i would find shelter right??? So why not have a helpful umbrella handy to provide a small form of shelter until i find full coverage... In my eyes a man is allowed to use an umbrella because if a heavy rain came along and people just saw him just walking with his hands in his pocket and whistling as if its a sunny day he would still be frowned upon.....

So men in my perspective are allowed to use umbrellas.....just don't sing the song while you do it though!!!!!